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Ex.33. Choose the best option

1. While I ________ for him to call up, he ________ a good time at the party.

a. waited b. was waiting c. have waited

a. have b. had c. was having

2. She ________ this exercise yesterday at 5 o’clock.

a. has written b. wrote c. was writing

3. He ________ me to the party yesterday.

a. has invited b. was inviting c. invited

4. I ________ my exam on economics an hour ago.

a. passed b. have passed c. was passing

5. He ________ a book two days ago.

a. read b. has read c. was reading

6. They ________ this film on Sunday.

a. have seen b. saw c. were seeing

7. She ________ the picture when I came.

a. painted b. has painted c. was painting

8. I ________ my report when the General Manager entered the meeting room.

a. made b. have made c. was making

9. They ________ the new words yesterday from three till seven.

a. learnt b. were learning c. have learnt

10. It ________ this week.

a. rained b. has rained c. was raining

Ex.34. After three months of looking for work, Cathy was at last called for an interview. Complete the following extract from her interview by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense form.

Interviewer: Cathy: Interviewer:   Cathy:   Interviewer:   Cathy:     Interviewer: Cathy: So how long ______ you _______ (work) for that company? About two years. And what ______ you _______(do) while you ______ (work) there? First, I _______ (take part) in the project of investigating their motivation problems. It sounds interesting. And what _______ the results _______ show? I can’t really say anything definite. While we ________ (process) the results, the company ______ (decide) to postpone the project for some time later. I see. _____ you ______ (move) on to another project? Yes. But again, as soon as our team ______(start) the project, serious problems ______(arise). While we _______(develop) a new working model, the funds for the programme ______ (stop). So, I ________ (decide) to leave them and make a fresh start. That is why I’m here.  

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 608 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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