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Ex.5. Match up the words on the left with the definitions on the right

  aneconomicsystem a economy, with some free enterprise and some government ownership
  a traditional economic system b an economic system in which the state or government manages the economy
  a market economic system c also commonly described as a free enterprise or capitalist system
  a planned economy or directed economy d one in which people's economic roles are the same as those of their parents and grandparents
  mixed economic system e one in which a nation's economic decisions are the result of individual decisions made by buyers and sellers in the marketplace
  laissez-faire f a way of answering three basic questions:what, how and for whom to produce

Ex.6. Choose an appropriate word or a phrase to complete the following sentences.

Decision maker, a mechanism, traditional, basic and unfinished, in the distant past, a free enterprise or laissez-faire, a sense of security, owned and operated, government, in spite of.

1. To an economist, economic society presents itself as __________ for survival.

2. In fact, __________ the appearance of great variety, it is possible to group these different economic structures into four broad categories.

3. In traditional societies people use methods of production and distribution devised __________.

4. A __________ economy does not allow for much economic growth and development as changes are very slow and there is little social mobility.

5. The market system of economic organization is also commonly described as __________, or capitalist system.

6. Traditional economy provides __________ and psychological comfort.

7. In a command economic system, the main __________ is the government.

8. All countries today have mixed economic systems or mixed economies, with some free enterprise and some __________ ownership.

9. Government planners decide the answers to the __________ questions.

10. If almost all the stores, factories, and farms in a nation are __________ by private individuals or businesses, then its system is called free enterprise.

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