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By Jay Branegan


Br. E Freephone cinema

Am. E. toll-free movie theater

A. Each ad has a very small – but equally captive – audience.

B. Gratistelefon leases capacity from other telephone operators at bulk rates.

C. «We were afraid consumers would be annoyed by the breaks, «says Peter Broden, the marketing director.

D. Future customers will have to provide a telephone number and all-important demographic data – age, sex, marital status, address and so on.

E. We put up with commercials between songs on the radio.

F. They hope to make profits by charging advertisers for the chance to reach the world’s most narrowly targeted audience.

G. Not surprisingly, young people and students have been the biggest users in the test.

H. Although Sweden’s telephone market has been competitive for some time, long-distance charges can still be high.

I. The caller hears one 10-seconds ad while the connection is made, another in a minute, and then one spot every three minutes.

Task 6. Answer the following questions:

What new ways of advertising are mentioned in the article?

What is a Swedish company Gratistelefon offering its customers?

Is the new service popular? Why?

What age groups have been involved in the experiment?

How popular is it?

What does this new medium of advertising mean for advertisers?

What kind of businesses are running these ads?

How is the company Gratistelefon planning to develop further?

What might happen if the idea catches on?

What do you think of this way of advertising?

Would you be attracted by such an offer?

How tolerant are you to such interruptions?

Speak about the latest media of advertising.

Task 7. Translate into Russian:

1. Each ad has a very small- but equally captive-audience.

2. We've come to tolerate TV ads that cut into movies.

3. Referees even halt play for commercials.

4. To have a phone call repeatedly interrupted for a brief word from our sponsor.

5. An outfit called Gratistelefon is offering free, advertising- supported calls.

6. Lines are overloaded.

7. Consumers would be annoyed by the breaks.

8. A two-month trial.

9. The biggest users in the test.

10. As long as the caller is willing to have conversation punctuated by chirpy jingles.

11. The circuits are jammed.

12. It's very cost-efficient.

13. A handful of organisations are already running ads, which cost about 13 cents per spot.

14....not to mention Big Brother -like plans.

15. Callers might hear different ads, tailored to the advertisers' needs.

16. The caller from the rural north might hear a pickup truck pitch.

17. The company has been deluged by inquiries from other countries.

18. If the idea catches on and consumers prove tolerant...

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 917 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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