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Sports (виды спорта)

sport place equipment
athletics track vest, shorts, running shoes
motor racing circuit crash helmet
swimming pool swimming costume (women); trunks (men)
boxing ring vest, shorts, gloves, boots
ice hockey rink sticks, skates, puck
skiing ski slopes skis, sticks, ski suit, ski boots


I often go camping in the summer. I do a bit of/a lot of rock climbing in Wales.

I really enjoy hiking. Jogging keeps me fit. (= keeps my body healthy)


Do you do much sport?

I go skiing in the winter.

I play a lot of ice hockey.

I go to the gym (= gymnasium) twice a week, where I do aerobics and a bit of weight training.

Is it expensive to join (= become a member of) a sports club?

I plan to take up (= start) golf when I get older.

I had to give up (= stop) athletics after I injured my back.

Swimming is good for you. (= helps people to stay healthy)

You need to do/take more exercise if you want to get fit. (= become fit/get in good condition)

A: Which team do you support? (= like and follow)

B: Real Madrid. I've supported them all my life.

A: I take sport very seriously (= sport is very important to me) and when I play team

games I'm very competitive (= I try hard and always want to win). What about you?

B: No. I'm the complete opposite (= I'm completely different: opp I'm exactly the same). I only play for fun. (= for pleasure/enjoyment)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 486 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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