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What types of corporal punishment do you know? Are they still in use nowadays?

6. What are the modern requirements to criminal penalties?

7. What are the most important and common forms of criminal punishment?

8. What kind of tasks may a criminal perform being under the supervision in the community? Name this form of punishment.

9. What range of punishments do alternative sanctions include?

10. What does imprisonment mean?

11.What are the m ethods of capital punishment?

12. Why is punishing criminal offenders one of the most complex issues of criminal justice system?

13. What does the controversy over punishment involve?

Task 1.13. Complete the sentences:

1. In modern criminal law, punishment is a penalty….

2. S en­tencing process is the procedure in which....

3. Historically, a full range of punishments included ….

4. The types of corporal punishment are...

5. Criminal penalties should be proportionate to the seriousness of …

6. In modern society, the most important and common forms of criminal punishment are ….

7. Community sentences mean....

8. Alternative sanctions include fines,....

9. Imprisonment means a period of confinement....

10. The death penalty is ….

11. The complexity of punishing criminal offenders stems from the wide ….

12. The controversy over punishment involves ….

Task 1.14. Complete the text by translating the following words and expressions from the box into English; (!) don`t forget to use them in the proper form:

• конфіскація землі або майна • покарання • підпал • штрафні санкції • злочинці • смертна кара • суворо карались • свобода • жорстоке тілесне покарання • злодій • напад • злочинна поведінка • власний розсуд • власність •

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 410 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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