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Ex.3. Complete the sentences. 1. Unfortunately, we do not feel that we can offer (торговую скидку) which you have asked for, viz

1. Unfortunately, we do not feel that we can offer (торговую скидку) which you have asked for, viz. 25 per cent as we grant (нашу обычную торговую скидку) of 20 per cent to all our customers (независимо от) the quantity they purchase.

2. However, (учитывая особый характер) of your trade, we are prepared to offer you a special discount of 4% on a first order for $6,000.

3. Therefore, in this instance, I regret that we have to (отклонить) your order.

4. As you may not be aware of (широком ассортименте) of goods we have available, we are enclosing a copy of our catalogue.

5. As agreed upon, this order as well as future orders will be shipped to you (на самых благоприятных кредитных условиях).

6. Please feel free to make use of this service at any time (без обязательств) or charge.

7. We acknowledge receipt of (Вашего пробного заказа) No.925-P for 450 wrist watches.

8. We hope that (этот первоначальный заказ) will lead to further business.

9. Within the new few days you will hear from our promotion department, a service that is conducted (исключительно для наших клиентов).

10. We hope that (наше выполнение) of your first order with us will lead to further business between us and mark the beginning of a happy relationship.

11. Your order (оформляется в настоящее время) for immediate dispatch and will be ready for airfreight shipment for delivery to Heathrow Airport next week.

12. We (приветствуем Вас в качестве нашего нового клиента) and appreciate very much your order of May 15, 20…, which will be shipped on the 24th by air express.

13. For us (было бы бессмысленно) supplying on the allowance you have asked for.

14. We are sure you will be pleased with this new line of wrist watches and (ждем с нетерпением) working with your company again soon.

15. Considering the quality of the goods on the offer we do not feel that the prices we quoted are at all (слишком высоки).

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 362 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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