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Niск: I say, mum, I'm terribly hungry. I haven't had a thing all day. I could do with a snack.

Mother: Why, you're just in time for dinner.

Niск: No soup for me. I'd rather have beefsteak.

Mother: Are you quite sure you wouldn't like some soup? It tastes all right.

Nick: There is nothing like steak and chips. I'll go and wash my hands.

Mother: How's the steak? I'm afraid it's underdone.

Nick: Oh, it's done to a turn, just to my liking. I don't like meat overdone. May I have another helping of chips?

Mother: Yes, certainly. Hand me your plate, please, and help yourself to the salad. Just to see how it tastes.

Nick: Oh, it's delicious.

Mother: Shall I put some mustard on your steak?

Nick: No, thanks, I don't care for mustard. I'd rather take a spoonful of sauce. Pass me the sauce, please.

Mother: Here you are. Oh, isn't there a smell of something burning?

Niск: So there is.

Mother: I've left the layer-cake in the oven.

Nick: For goodness' sake get it out quick.

Mother (coming back): Oh, Nick! How awkward of you to have spilt the sauce over the table-cloth. Get a paper napkin from the sideboard and cover it up.

Nick: I'm terribly sorry. I was quite upset about my favourite cake getting spoiled.

Mother: Don't worry. Here it is, brown and crisp on the outside. What will you have, tea or coffee?

Niск: A cup of tea.

Mother: Any milk? Shall I put butter on your bread?

Nick: No, thanks. I can't see the sugar-basin.

Mother: It's behind the bread-plate. Have a better look.

Nick: I'm afraid it's the salt-cellar.

Mother: So it is. In my hurry I must have left it in the dresser.

Nick: It's all right I'll get it myself.

Mother: Help yourself to the cake. There's nothing else to follow.

Nick: I've had a delicious meal.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 500 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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