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Функции инфинитива в предложении

Функция Пример
Подлежащее - инфинитив занимает позицию перед сказуемым. For e-mail to get a massage to the other side of the world is a matter of a second or two.
Дополнение-инфинитив занимает место после сказуемого. It is impossible to imagine our civilization without electricity.
Обстоятельство - инфинитив стоит в начале предложения перед подлежащим или в конце предложения. To make the program easier, to write andto overcome the problem of intercommunication between different types of machines, higher-level languages were developed such as –BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, Pascal, Ada, C and other programs.
Определение - инфинитив стоит после существительного, к которому оно относится или субстантивированной части речи. American people were the first to see a television set in action.
Сказуемое -1)инфинитив следует за глаголом – связкой to be   2)инфинитив является частью составного глагольного сказуемого, если он следует за модальным глаголом, фазовым глаголом, глаголом со значением желания или намерения. You can watch several programs simultaneously on miniscreens and then produce one of them in full format. To hesitate is to lose. The problem is how to do it.

Частица to не употребляется с инфинитивом после:

1. модальных глаголов: can must may need should help

исключение: be able to do something

be allowed to do something

have to

be to

ought to

used to

2. глаголов: LET They let him swim here.

MAKE They made him tell the truth.

3. после выражений: would rather; would better; would sooner; could do nothing, but; cannot but.

4. после “ THAN ”: I would rather have dinner at home than go to the restaurant.

5. после Why…? Why not..?: Why not play tennis right now?

6. после “and”: She likes to read and embroider.

7. после глаголов чувственного восприятия в АКТИВНОМ ЗАЛОГЕ.

  Active Voice Passive Voice
to see to watch to notice to observe to feel to hear I sawher enter the house.   We noticed the captain appear on the bridge. She was seen to enter the house. The captain was noticed to appear on the bridge.  


easy me

interesting you tell

It is (was) difficult for him to ride

better her read



It is necessary for the goods to be packed in strong cases.

This is for you to decide.

The first thing for me to do is to meet him.

The water was too cold for the children to bathe.


(Объектный падеж с инфинитивом)

I want me

You wish you

He expects him to do something

She desires her

We hate us

They like them

Дата публикования: 2014-10-23; Прочитано: 360 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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