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1) obviously the biggest difference is…

2) the average English man is…

3) to start conversation with people in the street

4) to be more enthusiastic and spontaneous

5) to improve

6) to get to know smb

7) to make a friend

8) to take a very long time

9) to be very respected

10) to want to talk to smb

11) to be inquisitive

12) to love the accent

13) to be thought to be a little inferior

14) to get excited by everything

15) to think everything to be so cute

16) to move away

17) to move backwards

18) to stand closer

19) life is a lot easier

20) to make money

21) to spend money

22) to be open all the time

23) you have to race to reach a supermarket

24) the private life is very important

25) work is the most important

26) to seem to be longer

27) to close down for two weeks

28) in this respect

29) to live to work

30) to look forward to coming back

31) to find life safer

32) to be more relaxed and much more enjoyable

33) to use smth and to feel safe

34) to be wonderful

35) to tell smb one’s life story

36) to know every street in London

37) to have the dramatic beauty of the States

38) to get into English habit

39) to find smth comforting

X. Now make a comparison between these cities, fill in the table, focusing your attention on:

city life people city life people

XI. Tell your neighbour group mate what you have learnt about major differences between these two global cities.

XII. Study some extra-vocabulary on the topic

Motorway автомагистраль
Traffic jam автомобильная пробка
Road repairs ремонты дорог
In both directions в обоих направлениях
The curse of the XX th century проклятие ХХ столетия
Advertisements for cars реклама машин
Masculinity характерные для мужчин особенности (мужественность)
To be /get stuck in… застрять
To be injured пострадать, травмироваться
Major cause of death основная причина смерти
Two-level roads двухуровневые дороги
To travel at hundreds of miles an hour путешествовать со скоростью сотни миль в час
Either way в любом случае
To double удваиваться
Environmentalist эколог (специалист по защите окружающей среды)
Public transport общественный транспорт
To be crowded быть переполненным
A race on the move раса в движении

XIII. Team work. Arrange yourselves in teams of 3 or 4 students. Fill in the gaps choosing the words from the above table (XII). Write a literary translation of the text. The best one will be highly assessed.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-23; Прочитано: 341 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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