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Текст № 10. A base is the form to which an affix is added

A base is the form to which an affix is added. In many cases, the base is also the root. In books, for example, the element to which the affix -s is added corresponds to the word's root. In other cases, however, the base can be larger than a root. This happens in words such as blackened, in which the past tense affix -ed is added to the verbal base blacken — a unit consisting of the root morpheme black and the suffix -en. Black is not only the root for the entire word but also the base for -en. The unit blacken, on the other hand, is simply the base for -ed.

One should distinguish between suffixes and inflections in English. Suffixes can form a new part of speech, e.g.: beauty — beauti ful. They can also change the meaning of the root, e.g.: black — black ish. Inflections are morphemes used to change grammar forms of the word, e.g.: work — work s — work ed — work ing. English is not a highly inflected language.

Depending on the morphemes used in the word there are four structural types of words in English:

1) simple (root) words consist of one root morpheme and an inflexion (boy, warm, law, tables, tenth);

2) derived words consist of one root morpheme, one or several affixes and an inflexion (unmanageable, lawful);

3) compound words consist of two or more root morphemes and an inflexion (boyfriend, outlaw);

4) compound-derived words consist of two or more root morphemes, one or more affixes and an inflexion (left-handed, warm-­hearted, blue-eyed).

In conformity with structural types of words we distinguish two main types of word-formation: word-derivation (encouragement, irresistible, worker) and word-composition (blackboard, daydream, weekend).

Термины и терминосочетания по теме «Морфология»

abbreviation аббревиатура
Ablative case Творительный падеж
Accusative case Винительный падеж
Active voice Активный залог
adjective Имя прилагательное
adverb наречие
aspect вид
Aspectual-temporal Видо-временной
Auxiliary verb Вспомогательный глагол
Back formation Обратное словообразование
Bound morpheme Связанная морфема
Cardinal numeral Порядковое числительное
Comparative degree Сравнительная степень
Complex (= compound) word Сложное слово
composition словосложение
Conditional mood Сослагательное наклонение
conversion конверсия
Countable noun Имя существительное исчисляемое
Dative case Дательный падеж
declension склонение
Degrees of comparison Степени сравнения
derivation словообразование
derivational словообразовательный
diminutive уменьшительный
ending окончание
Free morpheme Свободная морфема
gender род
Genitive case Родительный падеж
Imperative mood Повелительное наклонение
indeclinable несклоняемый
Indicative mood Изъявительное наклонение
inflection окончание
inflective Изменяемый, склоняемый, спрягаемый
Instrumental case Творительный падеж
interjection междометие
Intransitive verb Непереходный глагол
Masculine gender Мужской род
mood наклонение
Neuter gender Средний род
Ordinal numeral Количественное числительное
Part of speech Часть речи
particle частица
Passive voice Пассивный залог
plural Множественное число
possessive притяжательный
prefix Префикс, приставка
preposition предлог
pronoun местоимение
relative относительный
root корень
singular Единственное число
suffix суффикс
Superlative degree Превосходная степень
tense время
transitive переходный
Uncountable noun Неисчисляемое существительное
undeclinable несклоняемый
Underlying form Исходная форма
verb глагол
voice залог

Тема 5. Лексикология

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