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Текст № 12. Each spoken consonant can be distinguished by several phonetic features:

Each spoken consonant can be distinguished by several phonetic features:

• The manner of articulation is how air escapes from the vocal tract when the consonant is made. Manners include plosives, fricatives, and nasals.

• The place of articulation is where in the vocal tract the obstruction of the consonant occurs, and which speech organs are involved. Places include bilabial (both lips), alveolar (tongue against the gum ridge), and velar (tongue against soft palate). In addition, there may be a simultaneous narrowing at another place of articulation, such as palatalisation or pharyngealisation.

• The phonation of a consonant is how the vocal cords vibrate during the articulation. When the vocal cords vibrate fully, the consonant is called voiced; when they do not vibrate at all, it is voiceless.

• The airstream mechanism is how the air moving through the vocal tract is powered. Most languages use the lungs and diaphragm, but ejectives, clicks, and implosives use different mechanisms.

• The length is how long the obstruction of a consonant lasts. This feature is borderline distinctive in English, as in "wholly" [hoʊlli] vs. "holy" [hoʊli], but cases are limited to morpheme boundaries. Unrelated roots are differentiated in various languages such as Italian, Japanese, and Finnish, with two length levels, "single" and "geminate". Estonian and some Sami languages have three phonemic lengths: short, geminate, and long geminate, although the distinction between the geminate and overlong geminate includes suprasegmental features.

• The articulatory force is how much muscular energy is involved. This has been proposed many times, but no distinction relying exclusively on force has ever been demonstrated.

All English consonants can be classified by a combination of these features, such as "voiceless alveolar plosive" [t]. In this case, the airstream mechanism is omitted.

Термины и терминосочетания по теме «Фонетика»

accent ударение
accomodation аккомодация
Acoustic feature Акустический признак
affricate аффриката
allomorph алломорф
alternation чередование
Alveolus (alveoli) Альвеола (альвеолы)
assimilation ассимиляция
Back vowel Гласный заднего ряда
bilabial Губно-губной
cavity Ротовая полость
Closed vowel Закрытый гласный
Closed syllable Закрытый слог
consonant согласный
Consonant cluster Группа согласных
dental зубной
devoicing оглушение
Final devoicing Оглушение на конце слова
dissimilation диссимиляция
disyllabic двусложный
domal небный
dorsum Спинка языка
fall снижение
falling нисходящий
glottis Голосовая щель
Hard consonant Твердый согласный
High vowel Гласный звук верхнего подъема
Historical phonetics Историческая фонетика
implosive имплозивный
Interdental межзубной
labial губной
labialization лабиализация
labiodental Губно-зубной
lateral латеральный
Liquid consonant Плавный согласный
Long vowel Долгий гласный
loss Опущение звука
mediopalatal средненебный
mediovelar среднеязычный
Mid vowel Гласный звук среднего ряда
monosyllabic односложный
Mute (= plosive) взрывной
nasal носовой
Nonspeech sound Неречевой звук
occlusive смычный
Open syllable Открытый слог
Open vowel Открытый гласный
palatal небный
mediopalatal средненебный
Postpalatal задненебный
pharynx глотка
prevelar переднеязычный
reduction редукция
reduced редуцированный
Region of articulation Область артикуляции
rising восходящий
semivowel полугласный
Short vowel Краткий гласный
silent непроизносимый
stressed ударный
syllable слог
tempo темп
tone тон
trill дрожащий
unstressed безударный
Unvoiced (= voiceless) глухой
velic Небная занавеска
Vocal apparatus Голосовой аппарат
Vocal cords Голосовые связки
voiced звонкий
voicing озвончение
vowel Гласный звук

Тема 4. Морфология

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