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10. Пользуясь Интернет-ресурсами и толковым словарем, сделайте презентацию темы «Источники английского права: Magna Carta, the Bill of rights, the Act of Settlement, Parliament Acts, judicial precedents». Ознакомьтесь с советами, приведенными ниже, как провести успешную презентацию и удержать внимание аудитории.

After having the general outline about the speech, we need to build up five basic elements. Eye contact is the number-one way to reduce our nervousness because it helps to gather our thoughts, think clearly and remember what to say. And, eye contact expresses how the connection between the presenter and the audience is, so activating the powerful eye contact is very necessary. It’s better to avoid jumping the eyes, instead of performing like that, we should contact with a small group first, and then slowly move to another side. Step two is the voice projection; this makes people clearly hear us and any persuasiveness we are talking to. Number three is voice intonation or inflection; to keep the audience interested, it should not be a managed tone voice. The fourth process is the clarity of the message. This shows how clearly we are getting across our points. And, number five is the enthusiasm. This means how passioned we are and how much we enjoy the talking topic.

The most important thing in presentation is to allow our audience to receive the information simply and easily. Good presenters always pay attention to their audiences. To carry out this, first, we should understand the audience’s mood. The atmosphere our audience carries bases on their thought, their positive or negative points of view, so if we want to have impact on them, we must lead a good life because we can’t be a liar every day. The second important thing is to learn how to “read” the audience; sometimes they are very “cool”, sometimes they are very “cold”. If they are “cold”, they may drop something or react incredibly boring; in fact, unless we give them a certain kind of respect and empathy, we can’t bring them back and follow us. That is the reason why understanding about audience’s feeling is really a great thing.

Finally, we should remember to take a deep breath and relax. Only when we are confident, the audience can concentrate on our speech intensely and fully.

In short, making an effective presentation is a skill, in another word, it is an art and a certificate as long as keep practicing. After all, practice makes perfect.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 814 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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