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Squares and square roots

To square a number1, you have learned, you must multiply that number by itself. The square root of a number is just the opposite. When you find the square root of a number, you are finding what number multiplied by itself gives you the number you began with2. The sign for the square root is √. Thus, the square root of 25 is represented by √25. 25 is a perfect square. That is, a whole number (5) multiplied by itself will give you 25. Most numbers are not perfect

squares. In that case, to get the square root of a number we may either find it by taking an arithmetic square root or by using a table.

The process of finding a root is known as evolution; it is the inverse of involution, because by the aid of this process we try to find that which is given only when raising a number to a power (viz. the base of the power), while the data given is just what is sought for3 raising a number to a power (viz. the power itself). Therefore the accuracy of the root taken may always be checked by raising the number to the power4. For instance, in order to check the equality: 3√125=5, it is sufficient to cube 5; obtaining the quantity under the radical

sign, we conclude that the cube root of 125 has been found correctly.


1 to square a number — чтобы возвести число в квадрат

2 the number you began with — зд. исходное число

3 what is sought for — искомое

4 by raising the number to the power — возведением числа в степень

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 431 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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