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Exercise 3. Write the missing forms of these verbs

______ ________ grown

To become _______ _________

______ ________ run

______ was/ were __________

______ _________ led

______ had _____

To find ________


Exercise 4. Underline the suffixes. Translate the nouns. Deterioration, pollution, contamination, destruction, development, emission, accumulation.

Exercise 5. Write out all verb forms, define their tense and give the infinitive. Examples: have led - Present Perfect, Active Voice, to have led

Exercise 6. Write out terminological words and word combinations and translate them into Ukrainian.

Exercise 7. Write opposite to next words.

Pollution, destruction, protection, development, restriction.

Exercise 8. Choose the suitable word.

1. Dust and soil fly through the air and/end make it hard to breathe. 2. Air conditioners would bum precious energy 24 ours/hours a day in the summer. 3. The firemen knew/new that they were subjected to deadly radiation and that they might not survive. 4. They performed their duty saved many lives/leaves. 5. But four/for us the nature of the region is still beautiful.

Dust and soil fly through the air and make it hard to breathe. 2. Air conditioners would bum precious energy 24 hours a day in the summer. 3. The firemen knew that they were subjected to deadly radiation and that they might not survive. 4. They performed their duty saved many lives. 5. But for us the nature of the region is still beautiful.

Пил і грунту літати по повітрю, і зробити це важко дихати. 2. Кондиціонери б дупа дорогоцінну енергію 24 години на добу в літній час. 3. Пожежні знали, що вони піддавалися смертельної радіації і що вони не можуть вижити. 4. Вони виконали свій обов'язок врятував багато життів. 5. Але для нас природа регіону як і раніше красива.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 504 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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