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Exercise 7. Match a line in A with a line in В according to the text. Make your own sentences with the word combinations

Transportation Accidents
Traffic Activity
Technical Change
Standard Consumption
Resource Degradation
Raw Development
Radioactive Facet
Protection Fuels
Power gases
Personal impact
Nuclear materials
Negative mobility
Means of living
Industrial of transportation
Human of wildlife
High price
Fossil problem
Essential resources
Environmental revolution
Energy stations
Economic stations
Climate system
acid waste

Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1. Airplane noise can (to be) a much greater disturbance to sleep than other noises. 2. Research (to indicate) that near a major airport - London (Heathrow). 3. Airport - the number of people awakened by airplanes is about 50% greater than the number awakened by other noises. 4. If we (not to isolate) the problem it is going to overtake the country. 5. As a result of the diffusion of air traffic, airports (to tend) to occupy very large land areas with multiple runways, and large airspace's involved in landing and takeoff procedures. 6. In the area around London (Heathrow) Airport, the population (to increase) by 30% since 1963. 7. An increasing number of people (to work) in airports and in other areas of the aviation industry. 8. There (to be) signs that people's tolerance to airport noise (to decrease), particularly as socio-economic status improves.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 407 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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