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E.g. In his speech Clinton was clearly testing the water to gauge reactions to his proposal

Fish in troubled waters - if a country fishes in troubled waters, it tries to get an advantage from political problems that other countries are having.

e.g. For too long, the West has refrained from intervening decisively in the region's border disputes, hoping instead to fish in troubled waters. Muddy the waters - make a situation confusing and hard to understand, especially if it was originally not confusing.

E.g. Most of us are bewildered by computer jargon, and there is also a huge choice of monitors to muddy the waters when you are buying a new machine.

Still waters run deep - used in order to say that someone who you think is very boring or calm may surprise you with hidden emotions and qualities

E.g. I must say still waters run deep. I have never pretended to understand him.

Exercise 15. Speak on

1. 'The major problems caused by chemical substances'.

2. 'Water pollution in Ukraine. Could you suggest a solution for this problem?'

3. 'Sanitary water conditions in your city.'

UNIT 4 Air Pollution

Exercise 1. Check the following words in your dictionary:

Combustion, ambient, fossil, urban, airtight, furnace, lung, tightness, care, circumstances, growth, vehicle, exposure, severely, throat, cough, chest, to pose, fuel, airborne, approach, fortunately, emanate, harmful, dirt.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 350 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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