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UNIT 4 Biosphere

Exercise 1. Before reading the text memorize words and word combinations.

Surface - поверхня

adjacent - сусідній

entire - суцільний, повний

Complex - складний

Envelope - оболонка,обгортка

Nutrition - харчування

Breeding - розмножування

Decay - гниття

Mankind - людство

Common - загальний, звичайний

Population - населення

term - вислів

To denote - позначати

community - спільність, спільнота

Exercise 2. Translate the following words paying attention to the meanings of the suffixes and prefixes. Memorize the words. a) to specialize (v), specialist (n), speciality («), special (adj), specialization (n), especially (adv).

B) scicnce (n), scientist (ri), scientific (adj), scientifically (adv).

C) to include (v), to exclude (v), to conclude (v), inclusion (n), inclusive (adj).

D) indifference (ri), indifferent (adj), indifferently (adv).

E) to resemble (v), resemblance (n).

F) to engage (v), engagement (n)

G) to value (v), value (ri), valuable (adj).

H) to construct (v), construction (ri), constructive (adj).

I) importance (ri), important (adj).

J) to develop (v), developer (ri), development (ri).

Exercise 3. Give derivatives of the following verbs. Translate them. To accord, to solve, to act, to exist, to form, to prove, to discuss, to compose, to explain, to prevent.

Exercise 4. These words from the text can be used as verbs and as nouns. Translate them and give other words from the dictionary of such a kind.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 347 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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