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VIII.Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B


envious ревнивий
jealous заздрісний
rude неуважний
absent- minded невихований, грубий
cruel спокійний
calm жорстокий, безжалісний, безсердечний
self- possessed витриманий, холоднокровний
earnest серйозний; щиросердечний
attentive добродушний
affable привітний, люб’язний, ввічливий
good- humoured уважний
good- tempered товариський, балакучий
communicative з хорошим характером, врівноважений

IX. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following.

- sunburnt complexion

- deep- set eyes

- regular features

- harsh voice

- turned- up nose

- well- cut lips

- wrinkle

- freckle

- coarse manners

- stubby (unshaven) face.

X.Give the comparative and the superlative degree of the following adjectives.

1) Silly, heavy, cold, thin, wide, tall, thick, strong, weak.

2) Pretty, narrow, large, careful, young, brave, bad, dangerous, old.

3) Rude, quick, lazy, interesting, easy, strange, rich, difficult, expensive.

XI.Put the adjectives in brackets into the necessary degree of compsrison.

1) The road becomes … after some kilometers. (dangerous)

2) He was … person, the policemen ever met. (cruel)

3) It is … in our country. (big prison)

4) His answer was … than we expected. (bad)

5) What’s … police- station? (near)

6) The kidnapper was … than we thought. (clever)

7) This case is … than yours. (difficult)

8) Burglars often think, that this shop is … than the rest. (good)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 595 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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