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X.Open the brackets, using Present Perfect or Past Indefinite

1. The chairman spoke his mind after he (to listen) to the views of all those present.

2. He (to tell) us a lot of interesting things about police work at yesterday’s meeting.

3. Today’s newspaper (to reveal) some fascinating information about the Prime Minister.

4. The situation (to reach) crisis point when the union (to call) for the strike.

5. The government’s economic policies (to lead) to more efficient management and greater productivity.

6. About 5,000 people (to take part) in yesterday’s anti- government demonstration.

7. Incoming and outgoing vessels pass near it – the figure of woman who just (to reach) her freedom.

8. The trickle of newcomers to Europe that (to begin) after World War II (to become) ones of the history’s great floods – Algerians moving to France; Turks to Germany; Iranians to Sweden; Pakistanis, Nigerians, Jamaicans to the United Kingdom; Indonesians to the Netherlands; Moroccans to Belgium.

XI.Only one of these rules is true. Which one?

A The Present Perfect is used for repeated actions;

the Simple Past is used for actions that are not repeated.

B The Present Perfect is used for longer periods of time;

the Simple Past is used for shorter periods.

C The Present Perfect is used when the time is not finished;

the Simple Past is used when it is finished.

B The Present Perfect is used when the time is finished;

the Simple Past is used when it is not finished.

XII.Finished or unfinished time?

After I got home recently / lately

ever since I had lunch

this afternoon five years ago

for the last two days for the last year

always this month

in 1945 up to now

never today

a day before yesterday when I was six

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 340 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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