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For Travellers to Russia

Russia’s foreign currency regulations are extensive and complex, and provide numerous penalties for violations. These penalties apply to foreigners visiting Russia who, in case of the failure to submit proper documents to Customs authorities upon arrival, can be banned from carrying out of Russia even their own money. It is important to be aware of the procedure for proper currency registration with Customs authorities, which should be implemented by U.S. and other foreign travellers upon their arrival in Russia.

U.S. businesspeople travelling to Russia should be prepared to make most local payments in cash. Credit card payments for purchases of goods and services are available in many hotels, restaurants, and shops in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but may not be in other cities.

Therefore, it is important to bring cash to Russia and properly register it with local Customs authorities. Ways of getting cash from abroad while the traveller is already in Russia are limited and costly. One can withdraw cash from one’s own bank account in a foreign bank by using cash machines that are available in Moscow and other big cities.

International money transfer agents, such as Western Union, MoneyGram, and (in the near future) RIA Express can transfer money from the United States or Europe almost instantly, but such services are relatively expensive.

Wire transfer to a bank account requires having an account in a Russian bank and cannot be considered as a good alternative for short-term visitors. Incoming wire transfer fees are 1-3 percent of the amount wired and can take several days to clear.

Therefore, bringing in cash in Russia is the easiest and least expensive way. However, U.S. travellers should be aware of the following currency regulation requirements in order to avoid potential complications or problems.

The Customs declaration should be presented to Customs authorities at the port of entry after passport control and after baggage claim procedures.

It is important that the declaration be reviewed and stamped by Customs authorities. Since the ‘Green Corridor’ is for Customs free entry, it is highly recommended to go through the ‘Red Corridor.’

Exercise 14. Read the text again and find the Russian equivalents for: extensive currency regulations; penalties for violations; failure to submit proper documents; proper currency registration; to make most local payments with cash; credit card payments; cash machines; to withdraw cash; to transfer money; currency regulation requirements; wire transfer fees; cash operations; port of entry; personal checks; bank account.

Exercise 15. Translate into English.

Санкции за нарушения; меры наказания; таможенные органы; надлежащая регистрация; наличные деньги; платежи по кредитным картам; покупка товаров и услуг; местные таможенные органы; ограниченный характер; снять наличные деньги со своего банковского счета; банкоматы; проценты от суммы сделки; дорожные чеки; региональные отделения банков; определенная плата; представительство в России; международные денежные переводы; хорошая альтернатива; дополнительная плата.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 456 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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