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Word Study. Exercise 2.Practice the pronunciation of the following words

Exercise 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words. Translate them into Russian using the dictionary if necessary:

language, the Middle Ages, require, originate, Icelandic, disguise, search, through, sight, romanticize, capture, violent, blood-soaked, measure, signaller, primarily, cognate, conceal, authority.

Exercise 3. Match the words with their definitions.

1) violence 2) goods 3) to conceal 4) corruption 5) to smuggle 6) duty 7) team 8) to avoid 9) to export 10) to import   a) injury or damage, brutality b) to ship from one country to another c) two or more people working together d) items that can be bought or sold e) dishonest or illegal behaviour of officials or people in position of power f) to bring products into one country from another g) hide h) to try to prevent smth from happening i) a tax, esp. on imported goods j) to take (esp. goods) illegally from one country to another without paying the necessary tax

Exercise 4. Fill in the table of derivatives.

Verb Noun Adjective/Participle

Exercise 5. Match left and right.

1) a brutal business a) курьеры (посыльные)
2) the Scandinavian languages b) военно-морские суда
3) high-value goods c) жестокое занятие (дело, деятельность)
4) a blood-soaked battleground d) отряды солдат (регулярная армия)
5) naval vessels e) скандинавские языки
6) the threat of violence f) кровопролитное место битвы
7) troops of soldiers g) ценные товары
8) carriers of messages h) угроза применения насилия

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 524 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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