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Biometric Facial Recognition Security Trial at UK Airports

The UK airport passengers are set to undergo facial scans for the first time from this summer. The government has announced that airports will be undertaking a trial of biometric facial recognition scanning technology, with passengers’ faces being scanned and the image being compared to their biometric passport.

Officials at the Home Office’s UK Border Agency, which is responsible for border control and enforcement of Customs and immigration, said they believed the new technology would help improve security by providing a more effective guard against identity fraud.

They also said the technology would improve passport screening, and help ease congestion – the security checkpoints using the new technology will be unmanned, using automatic gates, so theoretically saving passengers time as they pass through the airport.

The trial is open to UK or EU passengers who hold the biometric passports.


biometric facial recognition scanning technology – биометрическая (трёхмерная) система идентификации личности;

to undergo facial scans – производить ‘сканирование’ лица.

Exercise 14. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the advantages of facial scans?

2. What does biometric facial recognition scanning technology include?

3. In what way will this new technology improve passport screening?

4. How can new technologies increase passengers’ safety?

Exercise 15. Make up sentences, putting words in the correct order.

1. technology, be, trial, recognition, undertaking, a, airports, scanning, UK, biometric, the, of, will, facial.

2. guard, help, effective, a, fraud, technology, providing, more, new, against, security, the, will, identity, by, improve.

3. Border, for, enforcement, and, UK, is, control, the, immigration, of, responsible, Agency, border, Customs.

Exercise 16. Read Text 4 to match left and right.

1) a baggage screening system a) рентгеновский досмотровый сканер
2) a conveyor belt b) выявление различных угроз и обнаружение контрабанды
3) a baggage X-ray scanner c) сканирующая досмотровая система для проверки багажа  
4) threat & contraband detection d) ручная кладь
5) carry-on baggage e) ленточный конвейер

Text 4

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 446 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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