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Exercise 1. Answer the questions using the information below:

1. Is there any channel for public to check whether the item carried is prohibited/controlled item?

2. What is the penalty for importing/exporting controlled/prohibited items?

3. What can a passenger do if he enters the Green Channel and finds he has goods to declare?

4. Will Customs officers intercept passengers for examination at the Green Channel?

5. Will Customs officers ask a passenger who has finished walking through the Green Channel if he has anything to declare?

6. Is a passenger liable to prosecution if he declares having possession of prohibited/controlled item(s) at the Red Channel?

§ the penalty for passengers carrying prohibited/controlled item(s) depends on the legislation of the country; § posters are placed along the Green Channel to remind incoming passengers that they are passing through a channel specifically designed for those who have nothing to declare; those who have goods to declare should immediately leave for the Red Channel and/or seek assistance from Customs officers; § it is not necessary to do so. Under the Red & Green Channel System, a passenger who chooses to use the Green Channel means he/she has made a Customs declaration that he/she has no controlled items or excessive dutiable goods; § passengers walking through the Green Channel are not exempt from Customs examination. Customs officers may select passengers from the Green Channel for examination based on risk management; § passengers importing prohibited/controlled goods are required to produce a valid licence or permit. Failing which, they may be liable to prosecution and the prohibited/controlled goods may be seized; § leaflets, Customs Declaration Guidelines on Red and Green Channel; information light boxes and posters displayed at all entry points.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 486 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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