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Word Study. Exercise 2.Fill in the table of derivatives

Exercise 2. Fill in the table of derivatives.

Verb Noun Adjective / Participle
check   checking

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences below using the phrases from the box.

the psychology of people; the innocent and fights with criminals; the beginning of one’s independent life; a lot of interesting and useful professions; to punish people for various Customs violations; smuggling of goods; narcotics, arms and ammunitions; helps protect our own borders; examining and clearing cargo and processing imports; duties

1. There are ……………….

2. The end of school is…………………...

3. A lawyer protects………………..

4. A Customs officer must know …………………..

5. The duty of a Customs officer is not only……………………

6. Customs violations are …………………..

7. Working with other Customs administrations……………..

8. A large part of my role involves……………………….

9. Customs officers collect........................

Exercise 4. Make questions to ask your partner about Customs areas.

1. What/ the/study/Customs/subjects/do/Academy/you/at?

2. Various areas/can/to move/a/of work/ in/you/future/ expect/ through?

3. Who (m)/with/officers/work/closely/do?

4. Customs/you/do/graduation/from/will/Academy/after/the/what?

5. Aspects/important/what/the/work/Customs/are/most/of/at/?

6. This/qualities/essential/job/what/are/for?

Exercise 5. Study the following words and word-combinations:

diverse – многообразный, различный;

work areas – сферы деятельности;

overtime – сверхурочное время;

to undertake – предпринимать, совершать;

to be essential – быть существенным, важным;

to penalize – штрафовать, накладывать штраф;

enforcement – принудительное применение (закона), правоприменение;

objectives – цели;

to search people’s baggage – проверять/досматривать багаж пассажиров;

cargo – груз;

to X-ray – просвечивать на рентген-аппарате;

items – предметы;

shift-work – работа в дневную/ночную смену;

to be respectful – относиться уважительно;

to be anxious – быть обеспокоенным, встревоженным;

to deal with – иметь дело с кем/чем-либо.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 411 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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