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Урок 11



Doctor: What's the matter with you?

Patient: I think, I am ill, Doc. I have a headache and

a fever.

Doctor: Let me see your temperature. Oh, it's about

102 degrees.

Patient: 102?

Doctor: It's in Farenheit. In Centigrade it's about 39.

Patient: And I have a sore throat, too.

Doctor: Let me examine you... You must have a flu.

Patient: I am afraid, I caught cold yesterday.

Doctor: You have to stay in bed for a few days. Drink

something hot, and here is some medicine for


Patient: How much do I pay?

Doctor: 25 dollars.


Passer-by: What happened?

Man: I had an accident an hour ago, and my leg


Passer-by: Let me examine it. O.K., show me the other

one. Does it hurt here?

Man: Oh, yes.

Passer-by: I think, you broke it.

Man: My God! I also have a pain in my chest, and

my head aches. Passer-by: Do you feel dizzy?

Man: I am afraid, yes. Do you think it is serious,


Passer-by: I think, it is. But I am not a doctor.

Man: What are you, then?

Passer-by: I'm just a passer-by. Call the doctor right now.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 826 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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