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V. Translate form Russian into English

У меня была противоположная точка зрения, но ты смог меня переубедить (to make smb change smb's mind); я ценю (to appreciate) достоинство в людях; Том, выключи плиту и включи микроволновку; воры вынули магнитолу (cassette radio); Вы часто пользуетесь ножом, когда едите второе блюдо (main course)?; извините, но я не могу не противостоять Вашей точке зрения; власти должны дать разрешение на снос этого дома; в 2007 году в Эстонии были осквернены многие памятники; Вы должны бережно обращаться с этим устройством (device); в будущем лекарства (remedy) помогут людям вернуться к жизни после смерти; Том рассек себе бровь, когда дрался с соседскими мальчишками; присяжные (the jury) обязаны принимать справедливые решения; Ты поддержишь мой план на собрании?; чтобы приготовить шашлык (shashlik), порежьте на куски мясо и положите в уксус.

VI. Three doctors from different countries discuss using the organs of dead people. Listen to (read) the story and find out: Who is in favor of this? Who is opposed?


Dr.Jones: In my opinion, the dead must help the living. There is no question about it. When people die, they no longer have any use for their organs. If we don’t use their healthy hearts or lungs, we miss the chance to save the lives of other people who need healthy organs.

In fact, it is so important to do this that I believe we must so it all of the time. Every time there is a death, we should use all the organs we can, even if the person did not give permission before death.

Dr.Tesfaye: I understand your position, Dr.Jones. But in my country, we have the opposite point of view. We believe that it is wrong to cut up a dead body, take out the heart and then put it into someone else’s body.

Taking out parts of a dead person’s body is a terrible thing to do. When you do that, you violate that person’s body. When I die, I want my body to be treated with dignity and respect, and not cut open so that my organs can be put into other people.

Dr.Houte: As you two show, using organs from the dead to help the living is a difficult question. There are good reasons both to do it and not to do it. In my country, we believe that it is all right to use organs from the dead but only under two conditions. First, the dead person must have given permission in writing, before he or she dies. Second, the person has to be dead. Sometimes this is clear. But many times it is not. We all have heard stories of near-death experiences – when we think someone is dead, but he or she comes back to life.

And what about the so called “brain-dead”? There are many people who are kept alive by machines – machines that breathe for them. But their brains are dead. What should we do with them? Turn off the machines and let them die so that we can use their healthy organs? I wonder if that isn’t just the same as killing them. So we must be very careful before making any decisions.

VII.Listen to (read) the text and say whether the statements are true or false.

1. In Dr. Jones opinion it is wrong to save the lives of sick people with healthy organs of the dead.

2. Dr. Jones says we should use the organs we can even if the person didn’t give permission before death.

3. Dr. Tesfaye has the same point of view.

4. Dr. Tesfaye believes that the body should be treated with honour.

5. Dr. Houte insists on using organs under three conditions.

6. Dr. Houte is sure that organs can be taken from so-called “brain-dead” people.

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