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Looking at the issue. Is abortion legal in your country?

Is abortion legal in your country?

completely legal legal in some situations completely illegal

In what situations should abortion be allowed? Check all that you agree with.

Ø When the mother does not want the pregnancy

Ø When the parents do not want the pregnancy

Ø When the mother's health is in danger

Ø When the pregnancy is because of rape

Ø When the parents are very young

Ø When the baby is going to be handicapped

Ø It should never be allowed, regardless of the reasons.


The word «family» means a lot for every person and brings a lot of memories to his mind. Are there any things common to different families? Do you agree with Leo Tolstoy’s words: «All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way»?

One more problem - divorces.

Read and learn the following words:

Argue (v) [ a:gju:] спорить, доказывать

Because of (prep.) из-за

Blood pressure [bl^d pr∫ə] кровяное давление

Depression (n) [di pre∫ (ə) n] уныние, угнетенное состояние, депрессия

For the sake of (prep.) ради

Hard (for) (adv.) трудно, тяжело

Marriage (n) [ mæridj] брак

To agree (on) (v) [ə  gri:] договориться о чем-либо

To be depressed [di  prest] быть в угнетенном состоянии

To be embarrassed [im bærəst] быть в замешательстве

To be married быть женатым, замужем

To bear (v) [bεə] выносить, терпеть

To cause (v) [kə:z] причинять, вызывать

To divorce (v) [di  və:s] разводиться

To get a divorce разводиться

To stare (at) (v) [stεə] уставиться (на)

To stay (with) (v) [stei] оставаться с кем-то; остановиться у кого-то

To suffer (from) (v) [ s^fə] страдать (от)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 636 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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