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B).Study the necessary equipment for taking a temperature

Thermometer appropriate for site (glass [mercury] or electronic); lubricant (rectal); gloves, nonsterile (rectal); tissue.

FIGURE 1 Centigrade and Fahrenheit temperature chart.

FIGURE 2 Oral and rectal thermometers.

Ex. 2. Translate the following expressions into English:

1. измерять температуру у детей; 2. правила безопасности; 3. измерение температуры орально; 4. быть противопоказанным в следующих случаях; 5. проверить записи на предмет показания данной процедуры;6. кислородная терапия; 7. уменьшить (избежать) передачи микроорганизмов; 8. быть осторожным и помнить; 9. выбрать / приготовить термометр; 10. следовать инструкциям производителя; 11. считывать показания; 12. Обеспечить правильное считывание; 13.

Ex.3 Read and translate the extract from a lecture. Find all the verbals. Define their syntactic function:

–Good morning, guys! Today we are to discuss how to take the temperature in children. Let’s begin with the oral temperature. Well, before starting to measure the temperature you should remember a number of safety rules. First of all, oral temperatures are contraindicated in following circumstances:

a. uncooperative or unconscious children;

b. following oral surgery; c. children under 2 years of age.

Secondly, oral temperatures are inaccurate in children receiving oxygen therapy. Oxygen cools the mouth and tachypnea leads to a low reading. Thirdly, use a glass thermometer for children over 6 years of age. As for the procedure, there are some steps you are to take:

1. Check record for baseline and factors (age, illness, medications, etc.) influencing vital signs for providing parameters and helping in device and site selection.

2. Gather equipment, including paper and pen, for recording vital signs in order to promote organization and efficiency.

3. Wash hands to reduce transmission of microorganisms.

4. Prepare child and family in a quiet and nonthreatening manner for enhancing cooperation and participation and reducing anxiety and fear, which can affect readings. Be careful and keep in mind that infants and young children may be quiet and more cooperative if vital signs are obtained while child is sitting on caregiver’s lap.

2. Select thermometer: glass with oral bulb (usually blue tipped) or electronic.

3. Prepare thermometer.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-17; Прочитано: 485 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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