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Text VII. Allergies

Allergies are some of the less desirable responses of the immune system to foreign substances called allergens (substances that produce an allergic response). Pollens, grasses, grains, molds, dust, animal hair, foods, and drugs contain allergy-causing antigens. Almost anything containing a foreign substance can be an allergen. The allergic response is due to synthesis in the body of a particular class of antibodies that are different from the ones that recognize and inactivate bacteria, viruses, and cells. No one is really sure what benefit accrues from our being able to synthesize this special class of allergy-related antibodies (called immunoglobulin E), but millions of people can attest to the misery and discomfort caused by this immune response. Between one-third and one-half of all people in the United States suffer from some form of allergy (58 % - hay fever, 19 % - drugs, 18 % - dusts, 16 % - foods, 4 % - insect bites, 4 % - asthma).

The allergic reaction is usually accompanied by inflammation, mucus secretion, and the release of histamine, a chemical that is stored in cells that are abundant in the skin, respiratory passages, and digestive tract. Thus, it is no coincidence that many allergic reactions are associated with skin (eczema, hives, poison ivy), the respiratory tract (hay fever, asthma), and the digestive tract (vomiting, diarrhea).

Though allergies certainly involve physiological and immunological responses in the body, they are also strongly tied to a person’s emotional and psychic state. Asthmatic children often become much improved when separated from their parents. Sometimes skin eruption are a sign of “itching to get away” from something or someone. Sneezes may be seasonal or interpersonal.

29. Read text VIII and say what the main idea of the text is. Entitle the text:

Дата публикования: 2014-10-17; Прочитано: 480 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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