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Engaging in some small talk with a child, such as paying them a compliment or checking that they are comfortable, are important points for a doctor to remember

A) Focus on language that will put the child at ease.

Remember! It’s important to usesofteners such asjust to establish and develop rapport with the patient in English-speaking cultures. Phrases with the softener just are more polite, non-threatening, and therefore more patient-friendly. An absence of just can mean a lack of warmth and tact.

1. Read and compare the examples below:

1. a) It’s a bit cold here. Let me just close the window before we begin.

b) It’s a bit cold here. Let me close the window before we begin.

2. a) If I could just ask you to sit here next to me.

b) If I could ask you to sit here next to me.

3. a) Just let me raise your chair up a bit so you can see me.

b) Let me raise your chair up a bit so you can see me.

2. Complete the sentences using the softener just:

1. Can you … turn your head to the side so I can see your ear?

2. Let me … help you.

3. Sara, could you … lie on the bed?

4. I … want to look at your tummy.

5. I’m sure it’s … a slight bug.

6. I’m … going to listen to your heart.

3. Translate into English:

1. Это всего лишь небольшой порез (cut).

2. Я только (всего лишь) хочу взглянуть на твою ногу.

3. Позволь мне только взглянуть на твой язык.

4. Я собираюсь всего лишь прослушать твою грудную клетку.

5. Это всего лишь небольшая простуда.

6. Это всего лишь стетоскоп (stethoscope). Ты можешь потрогать его.

4. Give your own examples.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-17; Прочитано: 643 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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